I would like to do Yoga but I am not very bendy..

Yoga really has very little to do with flexibility. This is very much secondary to the practice, its true that people become increasingly supple in time but more importantly, the practice is about body awareness. Gaining control and understanding subtle, correct actions of the body and how they influence the mind.

Can I do Yoga with injuries?

You must always talk to your teacher about illnesses or injuries. This is because there may be a yoga solution to help you. Using a sequence of asana (yoga postures), a highly qualified yoga teacher can help to alleviate problems such as high or low blood pressure, back problems, knee pain, sciatica and a variety of other issues. Your conversation will always be confidential and conducted in private if you wish.

Is Yoga really safe?

Yoga is perfectly safe when it is taught correctly. Your safety is the most important consideration after all you are here to make you life better not worse. Understanding how to communicate yoga correctly takes many years to learn, hence the need for an experienced teacher. The best yoga teachers are always the ones who have eyes in the back of their heads. They see everything and won’t let you cheat or make mistakes.

I’ve heard a lot about sequences and alignment; what are they about?

Sequencing is the order in which asana are practiced and it is very important to consider this when practicing to make sure you are safe. For example a beginner would not want to do a very strong backbending asana immediately followed by a forward bending asana as this can damage the spine.

Similarly, we have to consider alignment. If you imagine that there are subtle lines of energy circulating the body. By moving the body into asana with correct alignment we can turn on the switch to connect the circuits, this brings about healing and a sense of wellbeing.

Can you imagine an acupuncturist inserting needles randomly and hoping for the best? That would be a bit scary. It’s the same in yoga practice – you need to be guided into postures with precise anatomical alignment in the correct order for the physiological benefits to come.