About Mikey

I have been interested in Yoga since a very young age but it began to take a central role in my life when in 1996 I taught my first yoga class. I don’t think it was very good and I had no formal qualifications but it was well received and I was excited that I had found my calling.  So I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery, with yoga as the foundation.

20 years on I enjoy a rich, healthy and happy life. Bursting with positivity, I generously teach from my experience with a warm heart. Even though I have an advanced practice I prefer to teach absolute beginners. I feel that the instruction that you receive when you are new and fresh is extremely important. I missed out on this myself so I make sure my students receive the best. 

I learned my yoga practice attending medical classes with BKS Iyengar, at the Institute in Pune, India. He gave sequences for me based on handstand poses and backbends. It was so difficult on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. It changed me as a person for good  and I still hear his voice in my head now. In the Iyengar tradition I have trained with Penny Chaplin, Patricia Walden, Carrie Oweko, and Faeq Biria. All of which I highly recommend as teachers. I hold an Iyengar teaching certificate. 

I have studied with many other teachers and different styles. I learned Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, whilst living in Mysore, and I studied with Pattabhi Jois for a short time but most importantly Ajay Kumar who is one of my dear friends. 

These days I prefer to work quietly on my own, independent of the large organisations. I have a mindfulness approach to teaching asana, drawing on the awareness of my practice to illuminate the poses. An awakening of the pose! It is a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual practice. 

Above all, I am committed to delivering yoga classes that are expertly and unambiguously taught. I work hands on to provide a truly restorative, healing experience.

I was a great honour for me to be chosen to demonstrate yoga asana in B.K.S. Iyengars book – Yoga Wisdom and Practice (Dorling Kindersley, 2009) and have appeared on the front cover of Yoga and Health magazine.

In addition to being a fully certified yoga teacher   I am also trained as a counsellor, hypnotherapist, massage therapist and a certified as a cranial release practitioner.